
Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Little Remora Fish

How many of you have been diving? I love diving! I first learned how to dive in 2003 when I was living in St. Thomas, part of the US Virgin Islands. It was a great experience. I love all the outdoor activities. Boating, sailing, golf, hiking, camping, biking, and of course, diving. St. Thomas has some of the best diving in the caribbean. Tons of wrecks dives and deep dives. We had a chance to swim with sharks (nurse sharks that is, they don’t bite) on a few dives. It was intimidating and a little scary at first but after I while you start to realize that they aren’t going to hurt you and you start to relax and enjoy the views. After closer inspection, my dive buddy noticed the little fish swimming with the sharks. After the dive, he asked our instructor why the shark didn’t eat the little fish swimming with him. This is when I first learned of the remora fish.
The Remora Fish
A remora fish(pronounced /ˈrɛməәrəә/), sometimes called a suckerfish or sharksucker, is an elongated, brown fish. Their distinctive first dorsal fin takes the form of a modified oval sucker-like organ with slat-like structures that open and close to create suction and take a firm hold against the skin of larger marine animals. By sliding backward, the remora can increase the suction, or it can release itself by swimming forward. Some remoras associate primarily with specific host species. Remoras are commonly found attached to sharks, manta rays, whales, and turtles; just to name a few.
The Mutualism Relationship
The relationship between remoras and their perfect hosts is most often taken to be one of mutualism. The remora cleans bacteria and other parasites from the host, while the remora benefits by using the host as transport and protection and also feeds on materials dropped by the host.
This Mutualism Relationship is the same for us traders and the market. We (the remora fish) clean the market (the shark) of any bacteria and other parasites. We do this by making the market. Without us traders (remora fish) the market could not exist. We keep it alive and moving. The market (the shark) transports and protects us and also feeds us. This is a mutually beneficial relationship, for the right traders that is. The right traders know about this relationship and how to use it to their advantage.
The Safest Fish in the Ocean
The remora fish is the safest fish in the ocean. Why? Because it rides on the shark. It’s the shark’s little buddy. The shark isn’ t going to eat it’s little buddy and other fish in the ocean aren’t going to mess with it because it is too close to it’s bodyguard.
The remora also gets to ride on the shark, meaning it can travel the ocean without using very much of it’s own energy. This concept is the same for traders that know how to ride the market. If we just ride with the market and flow with it where it wants to go, we will be successful. Remember, the market is never wrong! So if we just flow with it, we will reap the benefits.
The remora fish also gets to eat for free. In fact, the little fish gets a smorgasbord of delightful treats. All the remora has to do is swim with the shark to eat all of the shark’s bacteria and other parasites. And if that’s not enough, the little buddy gets to eat all of the shark’s leftovers that escapes it’s powerful jaws. Its the same for us traders. If we just ride with the market, we can constantly be fed profits. A smorgasbord of profits!
If we learn from the little Remora Fish, we can be successful in the trading markets. Not just the ETF market but all of the markets. So cheers to the little Remora Fish!
To Your Trading Success,

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